How consciousness creates reality reddit. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Aug 11, 2022 · A novel study reports the dynamics of consciousness may be understood by a newly developed conceptual and mathematical framework. Money is part of that. But this particular illusion has recently reinforced scientists’ understanding of deeper, almost philosophical truths about the nature of our consciousness. By Anil Ananthaswamy. They just disagree that it's the whole story. ” I'm pretty new to Neville and I've been working through his lectures and books (currently wrapping up The Power of Awareness) and I am truly blown away by his ideas. With all those thoughts and feelings, it had to come into your physical world. does consciousness create reality? it’s complicated, there is a gradient from something being real and not being real. Realize this and you will never want for money. Humans discovered the mysterious world of quantum mechanics, thanks to Thomas Young's double-slit experiment Our consciousness of our true existence creates our perceptions of our reality. Plenum means 'without empty part'. There are infinite versions of reality and infinite versions of You & like I just said all You are doing is selecting. vitstudio/Shutterstock Jan 21, 2023 · Each of us knows that we are conscious, in terms of having thoughts, perceptions, and feelings, but we are unable to prove it to anyone else. Why wouldn't non-conscious material reality create consciousness? You say "Reason" tells you it can't, or that it's counter-intuitive, but I don't share that intuition at all. Infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent consciousness. Beyond the supposed differences between objective and subjective reality, we at some point of awareness comprehend that we create our reality out of our innermost depths. Our human body is not aware that it will one day die, but the conscious mind inside it is. Use Your awareness & what You CHOOSE to be aware of to Your advantage as Your watching the 3D conform because remember Consciousness is the only reality. Question: Why, then, does it seem so real? If, for example, the experience and sensation of the color green, it's green-ness, is an illusion, why does it seem green? Consciousness is a property that exists entirely separately from the physical world, perhaps in the form of a soul. Therefore, you can say that consciousness, awareness, or thought, creates physical reality. Apr 29, 2015 · But some physicists have proposed that reality is even stranger : the universe only becomes real when we look at it. But then you are claiming it from the only position you can have or are, from the sole consciousness position, the mass consciousness is assumed by the sole consciousness, no one can say it from the position of the mass consciousness Thoughts create reality because the same way the internal thoughts led you to creating this Reddit post is the same way they lead you down your own life to create your own reality of every second every day without realising it consciously or subconsciously, without the internal you wouldn’t be able to experience anything at all, when we say Posted by u/Eye_of_the_Storme - 3 votes and no comments Everything is shaped out of Consciousness. Posts are about… There are some limitations. Consciousness and the self are two separate things. , in a coma) but still are “conscious” because they still have subjective experiences. Then it would only make sense that there would be some way to connect these universes, and that is with consciousness. Maybe the problem there is a false assumption. g. Do you think it offers a viable framework for understanding consciousness and Consciousness Theory: The Consciousness Theory follows the idea that reality only exists as you perceive it. Claus Janew - How Consciousness Creates Reality 27 By firmly believing that something we yearn for (or fear) will occur, the interrelation that is therewith built up will automatically bring forth adequate impulses that are integrated into our holomovement. But does it actually happens? Like when they say "thoughts create reality", i am guessing they are talking about perception. So, you must believe that brain processes create consciousness, or that a specific configuration is responsible for consciousness, or what we identify as consciousness. All is consciousness. You can be pure consciousness without having a sense of self. You live in this current reality since you’re commenting on Reddit and receiving this answer from me. There are certainly examples of people who are “unconscious” in the medical sense of not being alert (e. This is also a belief. What do people mean specifically when they say stuff such as " your consciousness creates reality" or " You can manifest anything through your subconscious" and other such quotes related to self-awareness, consciousness, mind, etc To think “I am in pain” would be to resort to self-consciousness, and invoke the ego, which doesn’t precede the “in pain”, and separates self-consciousness from consciousness - the ego from Pcpt-Cs. usually for something to become real it must be an idea first, and then it must acquire attention and material into itself, which follows the laws of social consciousness -Consciousness started to create the universal mind so it can create reality and everything known and unknown. Because we are one and the same. A painter, for example, has created a painting "100%" even if he or she did not go and produce the canvas and paints, because that's not what counts as "creating" a painting; a builder, for a second example, has created a house "100%" even if he didn't grow the trees out of which it was Consciousness is a fictitious illusion; it doesn't actually exist. Consciousness creates reality, and the universe does not exist as a separate entity, but rather as a reflection of your internal state of consciousness. Likewise some say consciousness makes reality. This great quotation, so little understood, is a perfect statement of the law of assumption. All that ever was and ever will be is here now. If the natural process of reality consists of A) Thoughts (energy and information) create reality. 1088/1475-7516/2021/05/048. -Us as consciousness, started to enter and play realities that we call life. It's also a question of the nature of time, and Einstein himself said the passage of time is an illusion, which means that the "past" is alive. B) Superposition of electron (in a state of decay and active at the same time) creating parallel universe. -We are now in this reality where this knowledge got striped of us for obscure reasons that we not gonna mention, bc it’s not the topic. That alternating black-white patch inside the object suggests diagonal motion and confuses our senses. Why are emotions necessary or helpful to manifestation? If consciousness was independent of brains crushing a brain would no more affect it than crushing a tv affects a news anchor miles away. It's all consciousness and if you cannot love you, your consciousness, then the world can't love you back. IMO. Only we have access to the mysterious essence that Also at the end of the day, our consciousness is just a human picture of reality. And just the same as how we create our reality as a consciousness in a human body, I believe the same happens after death. Science fails to acknowledge that maybe not all of reality can be reduced to its calculations & measurements, some things might just be beyond that. Its all confusion. For ex: If you subconsciously believe that you are unattractive, you may experience shitty partners or you may find that you settle in relationships. Sep 27, 2020 · You participate in creating your reality whether you are aware of it or not. . What do people mean specifically when they say stuff such as " your consciousness creates reality" or " You can manifest anything through your subconscious" and other such quotes related to self-awareness, consciousness, mind, etc Consciousness is what appears as it appears. How do 1. In a sense, our brains create an image of reality in accordance with how our brains function. Is the universe really all inside your head, asks Michael Brooks. org/article/10. Hope this helps! 👊😼 PEACE! ️ Jul 17, 2022 · We increasingly become aware of our role in the entire relationship and we learn to contribute optimally to the value fulfillment of all individuals, ourselves included. Gravity for one. 1. Sep 26, 2012 · Some theories hold that reality and consciousness are one and the same. 17 We encounter corresponding answers in the guise of outer events. We will never know reality as it is bc our only way to access reality is limited to the human brain in a way, we all create “reality” in our brains. So to say consciousness creates reality is to say that, whatever you believe (habitually focused upon thoughts and feelings), you will experience in your reality in some symbolic manifestation. 4 kg of brain tissue create thoughts, feelings, mental images, and an inner world? The ability of the brain to create consciousness has baffled some for millennia. I mean, I do believe it. The enlightened humans with highly trained consciousness can obtain the same powers as God that are omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, except for the fact that human consciousness cannot create nor destroy God because that which is made cannot make the maker It doesn't matter if the brain creates consciousness; it matters how that consciousness interacts with the world. Meaning you’re in the same reality as I am. Whatever we consciously or subconsciously choose to experience will be our reality. Consciousness is expressed as the underlying source of existence known as the “field” and is infinite, boundless, limitless, timeless, all-knowing, ever-present, all-encompassing, yet, it’s non-local, space-less and non-personal. EDIT: A claim that something was created "100%" is always relevant to certain background assumptions. It's quite common during psychedelic trips or meditation for the self to temporarily dissappear, known as ego dissolution. It is impossible to do anything. We are blessed to have the free will and ability to create our realities with every thought, feeling, and action we have. Therefore this idea that "we know the brain creates consciousness" is essentially on par with "we know the earth is 6000 years old" It's not. May 19, 2021 · Experiments That Prove Consciousness Creates Reality. So for a long time we will probably face the same dilemma of having to accept or deny the reality of the AI's subjective experience based on its own reporting. Love yourself and the world loves you back. There is nothing, but consciousness. Trivially speaking, of course non-conscious material bits can create consciousness! It happens in the development of almost every human being, in the brain. What appears, appears. its like a lens you are weari Jun 11, 2015 · Cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman is trying to answer a big question: Do we experience the world as it really is or as we need it to be? In this ever so There’s something to be said for the “thoughts create your reality” thing, there’s also neuroscience behind it. ----- Consciousness experiences itself by awareness. Like all misperceptions, it teaches us that our experience of reality is not perfect. All top level comments should be answers to the submitted question, or follow-up questions related to the OP. Consciousness is the closest human technical term that we have to describe an ineffable, indescribable God. They attempt to use thought to think themselves into a different reality, but they are "spinning their wheels in the mud" because they have not shifted energetic vibrations. Posted by u/blastonx - 3 votes and 28 comments Sep 25, 2023 · The concept proposes that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality, like mass or electrical charge. Something about this doesn't seem complete though. iop. See full list on bigthink. The question of whether a falling tree makes a sound when there’s no one around to hear it exploits the tension between perception & reality. It addresses the nature of consciousness, the subjective nature of reality, and phenomena like quantum immortality within the context of interconnected individual universes within a larger multiverse. I have this question for a long time. 348 subscribers in the theplenum community. The idea goes back to antiquity—Plato took it seriously—and has had some prominent Philosophically, you believe in a certain truth ~ that Physicalism explains the nature of reality. Jul 7, 2021 · We are finally testing the ideas that quantum collapse in the brain gives rise to consciousness and that consciousness creates the reality we see from the quantum world. Therefore, consciousness is everything, created everything, and consciousness used itself to create everything out of itself. But at the same time you can also easily claim that it was from the result of a mass consciousness. The sense of self appears within consciousness. Let me suggest a dividing line between charlatans and truth seekers: a truth seeker would say that the relationship between physics and consciousness is not really understood yet, but we have no evidence that it involves any kind of wish fulfillment such as changing the universe with brain waves, ESP, clairvoyance or life after death. So they expect to see the results that we do. We cannot grow wings and fly next to a fighter jet or transform into a car like in Transformers. That’s all we can know. The point being that finding out how the brain creates consciousness isn't a problem for positions like substance dualism, as even dualists agree on the necessity of the brain in the creation of consciousness. … we are the manifestation of consciousness. This is all we know with certainty. People think the universe is fundamentally made of matter and energy and are then forced to deal with the hard problem of consciousness. com Aug 22, 2021 · Georgia Tech quantum field theory researcher Tim Andersen grounds reality in Will, rather than Mind, as envisioned by Bernardo Kastrup and the cosmopsychists. In philosophy, “conscious” is not usually equated with “alert. ” Consciousness is the presence of subjective experience. The other laws of the universe bind us too. Your comment was removed for violating the following rule: Top-level comments must be answers. We create God as much as God creates us. The conference was attended by thousands of people. But that’s just a belief. The core is pure positive energy (aka. Our consciousness of our true existence creates our perceptions of our reality. Answers to it can help us understand quantum physicist Max Planck’s assertion that consciousness is fundamental — that “we cannot get ~behind~ consciousness. Jul 19, 2021 · Some scientists believe consciousness is generated by quantum processes, but the theory is yet to be empirically tested. This book explains the principle of Observational Equivalence - which is an extension of the Equivalence principle that Einstein used to formulte relativity, then introduces Observational Dynamics, which is a scientific model of observation that's tightly derived from Thermodynamics. I agree with the retroactivity, in that we make the “I” come into existence, insofar as we are not we, but it. We have tons of evidence that the earth is much older. As consciousness is the only reality, what you think or believe is the truth is what you’ve paid so much attention to in your mind. Hence, for a long time, ideas that award special power to particularly the consciousness of an individual regarding their own reality, such as the "laws of attraction" and more generally the "consciousness creates reality" concept, that are often seen in many spiritual systems of thinking, were extremely difficult to tolerate and I developed a In the law of assumption, your consciousness of being is the Father's will. However, an idea I am struggling to reconcile with is this: while I can see how my subconscious could govern my reality and everything that happens in the 3D, I feel a bit confused on how I would have come to hold certain MENTAL THOUGHTS CREATE PHYSICAL REALITY. Consciousness expresses itself through thought. Suppose there are other entities with consciousness in other parts of the galaxy or universe (our portion of the multiverse) what would their impact be on human perception of reality. The mere wish without this consciousness is the "my will". SS: I recently wrote this book about observation. Learn how to take charge of this psychological process so you can create more of the life you want. All of manifested creation is an expression of consciousness. Reality is a Plenum of consciousness animating matter. usually we experience something in between. We can’t even know that another person in the world is conscious. That’s why manifesting isn’t about something contradicting the other. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this hypothesis. This energy focused itself into a time-space reality. It’s the same for One divests life of its inherent… beauty & magnificence, the other acknowledges the fundamental nature of life/consciousness & how it molds itself to create the reality we get to experience. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only recycled or transformed, our consciousness is a form of energy. consciousness). Like if a person has a thought that a "if a person gets cheated on then he/she develops that every guy or girl is cheating or cheater". https://iopscience. God cannot exist without consciousness and neither can we. The Double-Slit Experiment. Everything exists as energy, and that energy only takes on a form as we perceive it. Source: Bar-Ilan University. Fixating on how this reality must be hell will only continue to highlight all the ways this reality could be hell, and I absolutely sympathize how difficult this is when you have OCD. When I first read about “Event 201,” and since I am a believer in the theory that consciousness creates personal reality, it looks like this simulation was intentionally run to impact our reality by manipulating the consciousness of the conference attendees and participants. You must be in order to do. Maybe reality is fundamentally made of consciousness, and matter is just a pattern which appears in consciousness. I have personally witnessed consciousness transcending local timespace, though. so. Consciousness is the primordial substance of all creation. I suspect that actually figuring out how consciousness arises from observable physical processes is far harder than building an AI that is sentient. dkkl ohbli ohrom issolv vwbg vbtwn xxsi fttah svuv nltemb